

You are trapped in a confusing Maze, all you can see is if there is a wall in front of you (black) or not (white). Will you be able to find the exit? The only thing that can help you is the Map of the Maze, but will this be enough? Challenge your self in the confusing puzzle Game 1BitMaze. This Game has 5 varied Mazes and only 2 Colors (expect for the title Screen), as well as 5 Maps and a How to Play Guide. This game was made for the bit jam.

About the bit Jam

The bit jam was a Games Jam on itch.io . The challenge was to make a game with only one bit, this means: only 2 colors, only 1x1 pixel , no audio or other feedback. Making a game under these conditions sounds impossible that is why I had try it and 1BitMaze was the result. You can find more information's about the bit jam and other 1 Bit games here:  https://itch.io/jam/bit-jam. 

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